Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ivanka vs "the mobile multi task"

Ok. So I'm at a meeting and someone is speaking. Can I hear everything and multi task?

Is it rude?

How can my axons and dendrites accept dual information in the synapse.

This is, how I learned and kept my brain smart.

So, the current judgement, miss ivanka, I am getting the jist of what the speaker is saying, however it's not at an important meeting where Its on my time. It's about a subject I don't care for but can definitely make key bulletins of what he's saying. I would not be able to multi task, moreover, if I were to be on the red carpet later telling someone about what I heard, but could if an assistant could joy down the bullets I tell her as we are walking to the red carpet.

Here where the timed lifestyle determines if this situation is ever possible, ha-- this would be your job (for instance).

All and all, in this situation of casual gathering, fashion, culture, demographic, I am pleased with my decision to wrote a blog post because otherwise Id not have something post today....- I did say Id try to post on the quotidian.

Ivanka has a blog... But she is worse than me! (a lot more infrequent)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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