Monday, November 30, 2009

@ToryBurch @IvankaTrump

Flying solo at the Tory Burch featuring Ivanka Trump gala was intimidating at first. It takes some femmetrepreneur "balls point pens" to attend a gala alone. I bought the Trump Card business bible and sat down on the low white couch to read. I was immediately enchanted.

2 pages in, the what I assumed to be the book manager of the event approached me and asked if i would like Ivanka to sign the book. I walked over to the book table display and the stunning Ivanka Trump greeted me. She looks the same as she does in her ads and television appearances- just classy gorgeous.

She asked me if I read the book. I have not. I told her I can relate to being born into a wealthy family but in the end it's on me to work hard. She asked me what business I am in and to be honest I didn't know what to say. I wanted to talk about The Lights show but all that came out was that my father is a pioneering physician. I didn't want tonight to be about me- it was all about her. I can't wait to read the book to brush up on modern business etiquette. I handed her her gift that I had designed and gave Tory's gift to her sales rep because I just missed her.

After a couple glasses of the finest champagne and caviar, I started mingling with the Patrick Mcmullen camera man and actor/model side job servers and found out that the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad is speaking tomorrow night in the city.

Then the night became magical. I was speaking to model Emile from Australia by the entrance and as two fabulously dressed young women walked by to leave, I seized the moment and said, "do you mind if I ask you ladies a question." "Sure", they broke stride. I proceeded to ask them if they were entrepreneurs. No, however one worked for Tory Burch.

After exhanging cards I suddenly realized I was closing out the place with the staff. I rushed to take iPhone stills as one of the sales reps complimented by bebe diamond fishnet stockings.

Feeling confident (yes the champagne was that fabulous) I found myself cliquing with Caroline who manages all the Tory Burch social media and online marketing. I am interested in doing a post on Tory and she is interested in @NewYorkCityPR. We can't wait to have coffee at Machiatto next week.

"If you do work that you love, and the work fulfills you, the rest will come". -Oprah Winfrey. First page of The Trump Card.


  1. 今、Vivienne Westwoodというブランドに興味を持っています。そのヴィヴィアン iphone ケースがとても可愛くて欲しいんです。ただし、国内ではまだ流行っていないみたいです。探してもほとんど見つからないです。やはり人気のTory Burch iphone ケースをもっと手に入れやすいですよね。個性的というなら、ヴィヴィアンの反逆性が目立ちます。トリーバーチもカワイイし。二つともゲットしましょうか。着せ替えも楽しいことでしょう。

  2. トリーバーチ は季節のオシャレに応じて、たくさんの新作を持ってくれました。出品数が限られているので、早い者勝つこと間違いなし!だから、好きなら、絶対早くゲットをおススメいたします。それより、トリーバーチ バッグについてのご紹介は今からいかがでしょうか?このブランドのトートバッグは、優雅な見た目でブランド品ならではのゴージャスさをさりげなく醸し出してくれます。大容量で、一日分を楽々収納できるのもポイントですよ!
