Monday, December 14, 2009

Post Office

I met with the talented Zara Terez to pick up the Sunset bag in Clementine to carry FudgeHim! product in "Orange you glad you're single." The post office on 33th and 8th is so amazing. So historic. So New York. Find out which celebrities I sent FudgeHim! to in season 1.

I ended up filming with Zara. She has such a fabulous office environment that releases creativity. I am so happy to be surrounded by so many hard working femnetrepreneurs who have risked it all to go down this road less traveled and I am honored to capture the journey in The Lights. Stay Tuned.


  1. i asked this questions 3 blogs ago....
    How do you do that with a husband and kids? I am assuming you're not married bc balancing just YOUR life and family are easier without having a family of your own? Thoughts?

  2. I just now saw that I have comments! I hope you get this.
